
The Simplicity Of Beauty, Wellness & My Lifestyle!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I have a blog... really?

I was a bit hesitant about creating one. Seeing how I do Youtube videos & very seldom Twitter, I felt like there wasn't really a need for me to add another form of social networking to my hobby list. Well, here's my first post! What to expect? Simplicity.


  1. Oh Wow! I am really happy you have a blog. More leobody! Yay! I have a blog too. I post infrequently to say the least. However, it's mine. I do it for me. Though I do intend/want to make more of it.

  2. Thank you! I want to keep it simple since I put so much time into making my YT videos. I understand the "personal" feel of having a blog as well... hey, one of the best things is that not everyone's blog will be the same. Individuality at it's best ;^)

  3. Ms. Leo I am so late! I didn't realize you had a blog (head's been under the sand) anywhoo I found it and couldn't be happier! Totally entertaining as are your YT vids. Thanks so much for sharing more...ok off to bookmark this blog.

  4. Congrats on the blog, female crush.
    You've been bookmarked! =)
