
The Simplicity Of Beauty, Wellness & My Lifestyle!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Natural Beauty....

Lady's slipper orchids, lady slipper orchids or slipper orchids are the orchids in the subfamily Cypripedioidea, which includes the genera Cypripedium, Mexipedium, Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium and Selenipedium. They are characterised by the slipper-shaped pouches (modified labellums) of the flowers – the pouch traps insects so they are forced to climb up past the staminode, behind which they collect or deposit pollinia, thus fertilizing the flower.-Wikipedia

I received a beautiful gift yesterday that happens to be my favorite flower in the whole wide world... a burgundy Slipper Orchid. I've never been a roses type of chick, absolutely detest them. This beautiful creature brought a pleasant smile to my face upon awakening this Sunday morning ;^)

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